Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Rain Through My Office Window

It was a pretty gloomy, rainy day that I tried to capture. But just shooting it didn't really catch the mood, so I played with some filters for a while.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Stages of a Photographer

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Building in Marble

A small section of polished marble that makes up the exterior of an office building in downtown Vancouver. The building itself is reflected in the marble.

Trees and A Hydrant

This was my first artistic attempt. I'm using Photo Shop Elements for this. The pic itself was one I saw when just wandering around the garden.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

View From My Porch

At the end of al long day stripping a dresser in preparation for painting, I needed some fresh air. This is from my front porch. And yes, the air was fresh.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Mobile Makeup

Yes folks, mobile makeup. This traveling band of ladies stopped downtown today and were offering free makeup to anyone bold enough to step into the truck and get it done. A picture was enough for me.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

My Day at the Office

THe shipment of 50 Dell Desktop Computers arrived today, and we have no storage space for them. This is the Help Desk area. My office is the furthest open door you can see off in the distance.

Press either of these buttons and someone will come a runnin'. They're for deactivating or activating the fire suppression system depending on whether or not you're in the Server room when the alarm goes off. I advise staff to just high tail it out of there.

Long Bush

Ah, Vancouver on a rainy day. This is the landscape approach taken by CIBC outside their downtown office. I, of course, benefited by getting to continue my walk in the rain.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Waiting for the Bus

Nothing else happening here but what it says. And yes, I'm at the back of the line.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Shopping Cart of Love

I couldn't help but stop at this shopping cart sitting alone next to the bus stop. Apparently it's owner was long gone. Is that a water dish under the cart? It's certainly a stuffed toy IN the cart, as well as a bell shaped object. In the bottom section is a coffee maker.

Perhaps someone's home on wheels? 

Monday, October 11, 2010

Maggie at the Window

This is Maggie. And this is her favorite place in the the living room window. I was outside wondering if there was a picture on my doorstep that would make it into this journal. I turned around and there it was.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Road Trip to Mission

It was a beautiful day, and Janet and I were just returning from a scouting trip of Mission. We had found two areas there that seemed perfect as a place for us to live, so we were quite excited about the prospect. Much of the housing is on the mountainside overlooking the Fraser river, so we'll be looking forward to choosing just the right home. The area is dotted with fishing lakes and there are many trails for hiking, as well as lots of country roads for Sunday afternoon meanders.

There was a lot of traffic behind us when I spotted this barn and expressed that it would be a great first picture for my "Picture A Day" project,  I would have driven on but Janet, with her usual wisdom, insisted that I stop and take the picture if I wanted to that badly. So I pulled over in heavy traffic onto the shoulder of the road and got this. It's an amateurish attempt, but it's mine, and I hope to look back on it with fondness some day.

This was a great day!